Sprouted Moong Bhaji

Sprouted Moong Bhaji is a Quick, Easy and Healthy Side dish for Chapathis. The protein rich Sprout is very health-friendly and are excellent to those trying to lose weight and gain energy


Sprouted Moong – 1 ½ to 2 cups
Onion – 1 Large
Oil Рto saut̩ the onion

Cumin Powder – ½ teaspoon
Dhania powder – 2 teaspoons
Red Chilli Powder

Lemon Juice – 1 tablespoon

Coriander leaves for garnishing


Chop the Onion finely. Sauté the onion using very little oil. When the Onion turns light brown, add the Sprouted Moong. Add Salt and stir for a minute. Add 1½ cups Water. Stir and Keep closed until the Moong is cooked. Then, add the Cumin Powder, Dhania Powder and Red Chilli Powder and Stir well. Let it boil for a couple of Minutes. Then, turn the heat down completely and add the Lemon juice. Garnish with Coriander Leaves. Serve with Chapathis.